Monday, January 21, 2019

The Goth's: Week 2 (Summer) All Around The Town Rotational Play

Bella hired a butler to help manage the household. His name is Hamza Ferhat. That's all we know. Seems no one has bothered to get to know him personally. I can tell you he spends a lot of time standing by that trashcan.

Lightning keeps striking the roof. This metal appeared once.

Alexander and Pierce Delgato got a little carried away after school one afternoon. Thankfully there wasn't too much damage. 

Bella and the kids deciced to take in the Spice Festival. "Please close your mouth Cassandra, The Goths do not blow flames from their faces....well, at least not in public." says Bella. 

Alexander warmed up the karoake machine after the fesival while Cassandra critiqued his vocals.

Cassandra seemed to be inspired by the spice festival and decided to take up the cooking skill. Is there a scouting badge for that? Hmmmmmm. Bella is only allowing her to start with recipes that don't involve the stove/oven! 

Bella found out how to control the new thermostat. Thank goodness because the bills are sky high!

Look who showed up to fix the Motion Monitor Gaming Mat, it's Luigi! Well, that's our story and we are sticking to it. 

Mortimer ran into Hamza in the hallway. They seem to have gotten, er, Ummm, "close". 

A rare occurrence, everyone was home for dinner. Hamza is a pretty good cook. 

Alexander showed me that friends can help with school projects. Now, that is good to know! 

Quickly, before we leave The Goth's, Cassandra wants to show off her hot weather outfit. Way to rock those socks girl!

The children are both Unicorn Scouts. Cassandra is an A student and Alexander is a B student. 

The adults are plodding along in their careers. Mortimer is a regular contributor (level 5 writer) and Bella is a lead detective (level 5 spy) 

Off to see what the Kim-Spencer-Lewis household is up to. 

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